Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How TO Be Rude

1) When you see someone behind you also coming toward the elevator, get in it really quickly and press "door close," so that you can get to your destination right away but the person behind you gets the doors closed in her face.

OR: Don't press the button, but just stare blankly at the person outside of the elevator, making no effort to hold it for him.

2) When you open a door for yourself, don't look behind you to see if there's anyone who you could also hold it for. That way it will get slammed in that person's face.

OR: When someone kindly holds a door open for you, just walk through, without grabbing the door yourself, as if the person is your doorman. Also, make sure not to say "thank you"!

3) When someone—especially someone you see every day at work or home—greets you at the office, in your apartment-building lobby, or in the elevator, you should make sure to completely ignore them.

Follow these helpful tips at your holiday parties this season, and you're sure to make an impression!


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